Rubber flooring


A gymnasium, often referred to as a gym, serves as an enclosed facility designed for various sports and physical activities. These spaces are commonly found within athletic and fitness centers, as well as educational institutions, serving as both recreational and educational areas. While gyms are typically located indoors, they can also be outdoors. Gyms are equipped with a variety of exercise machines and equipment for people to engage in physical workouts. These machines are often heavy and require a sturdy foundation. At Capital Flooring, we offer products that are ideal for supporting heavy loads and fitness equipment. We are committed to providing high-quality gymnasium flooring, available in various dimensions, sizes, and thicknesses. Our brand comes highly recommended by numerous professionals, thanks to the superior materials we use for gymnasium construction.

About Product

At Capital Flooring, we firmly believe in providing top-quality rubber flooring that comes in various dimensions, sizes, and thicknesses. We are a brand that adheres to both international and national standards for manufacturing rubber floor materials, using superior raw materials. Our product range includes standard 8 mm rubber rolls, and we are also equipped to deliver customized rubber solutions to meet specific needs. Rubber floor materials find exclusive use in gyms and sports facilities where high-performance characteristics are essential. Our rubber is exceptionally durable and wear-resistant, ensuring optimum performance efficiency. Moreover, we offer our clients the option of rubber tile flooring to meet various indoor sports requirements. Our rubber floor materials undergo a rigorous curing process to deliver exceptional sports performance and withstand harsh impacts. These surfaces excel in areas with heavyweights and equipment usage.


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